A cup of coffee fosters human kindness – who knew?


          Warm hands warm heart?

A recent study shows a positive correlation between “warm hands and warm heart, as reported in Science Magazine, and National Geographic.

From Nat Geo, “In a new experiment, people who held steaming cups of coffee for a few seconds judged another person as more generous, caring, and happy than people who held a cup of iced coffee did.”

“The findings indicate that physical warmth unconsciously stimulates friendly behavior toward other people, according to professor Lawrence Williams of the University of Colorado at Boulder.

“There’s a meaningful interface between the physical world and our bodies and the psychological world and what’s going on in our heads,” said Williams, who led the study.

For the complete articles go here: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/10/081023-warmth-coffee.html

Yes, another reason that cafe’s and gatherings around a fresh brewed pot of coffee seem so friendly…

Warm regards,


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